Saturday, December 11, 2010

Floating Cave?

An illustration based on some design I had made for a motion project.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Opening Scene Storyboard

I've been working on a story for about three years now, called Feyir's Crux, and this is a brief storyboard for the last half of the opening scene. I wanted to get to the action, so the beginning is cut out, but it begins where we follow an aggressive young boy and his friend that have been re-captured by a band of 'pirates' (I hate how that word has so many cliches attached to it. I like to think of them as just a bunch of assholes on a boat, really. No parrot, no peg leg, no "Arrrrrg" crap). The boy continues to defy the captain who then threatens to throw him overboard.

The boy responds by...

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


I don't feel I've been creating the kind of art that I should lately. I became really inspired over the past few days to just open up to whatever comes out when I draw rather than overanalyze whether it looks okay or not. So this was the result without second guessing. And I'm pretty happy with it.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Matte Painting

I'm creating a matte background for my friend's music video and wanted to show the process. This is the first time I've tried photorealistic backgrounds and I've definitely always admired this art in movies, i.e. The Lord of The Rings!

1. Paint a 2-minute layout to determine color scheme and, well, layout. With this scheme I'm wanting to keep colors muted and and bit desaturated to give it a vintage fairytale feel. It would have been really cool to make a completely illustrated background, giving it a real storybook theme, but I'll have to make that another project...ooooh.

2. Make the changes based on the director's...directions, plus an extra that won't make the cut. I was tired and loopy.

3. Clean up template. The foreground hill isn't part of the background, so I painted it out to get a better idea of what I need to create.

4. Get to workin'. Adding in images, creating images, color correcting, masking, painting, erasing, basically utilizing every tool in Photoshop.

5. Images, images, images. Refer to #4

6. Create some extras to add a bit of whimsy, at least, I think it does.

7. Final!

8. Winterized for season changes throughout the video.

9. And testing it out for fun!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Squash and Stretch


I thought this one deserved some color. I usually get bored after about twenty minutes into it, but I also kind of like the look of pieces with detail in only sections.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Free Flowin'

Inspirations from today's cafe surroundings. (Don't mind my crappy scanner)

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Quick Paints (unfinished) Part 2

I have all these old pieces that I keep saying I'll go back and finish, but never do. Sometimes I'll just realize that I like them unfinished and 'Madame' is one of them. She deserves more attention, but that'll have to wait for another day.

Clip: Fin Test

Fin Test from Carina Simmons on Vimeo.

An early test for a short film scene

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Screenshot 2

This is one of the next scenes I'm working on. Something I equally love and hate about this process is that the final product isn't typically intended. I'll start it one way and it'll change throughout, but so far I'm loving the style that's happening with this one. It seems a bit different than what I usually do- or try to do.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Screenshot 1

Here's a still from my new animated project. I'm almost done with the first scene and I'm really excited about how it's coming along. If I can pull the entire thing off in a couple months I'm hoping it'll be a good piece of work to show. More to come!

Friday, July 30, 2010

Quick Paints (unfinished)

Acrylics and a Sharpie


I've just created a Vimeo account that I'll be linking my newer work to so there's none of this tiny viewing clip nonsense anymore!

This is an opening scene to a short film I was working on awhile ago.

Monday, July 12, 2010


A sample from some boards I created for a game company. I'm under contract so I'm not sure I'm able to show much more from it yet.

This was a proposed storyboard I did a while back when I thought it would be cool to make the story of Ragnarok into a movie. Inevitably, a mythological war story is way too overwhelming to create.

Thursday, March 25, 2010


A Look Back in Time

This was my first stop motion short before I knew anything about animation and anything about anything, really. I realized later that most of my projects in school had an element of killing off or hurting characters which I'm pretty sure was a passive aggressive "fuck you" to all of the squash and stretch and cartoon-y assignments I was forced to do rather than experimental animation that I wanted to do. I would still really like to create a Fairytale Land series.